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who: family tree
what: pencil

I need to get a better photo of this!

Top, left to right: Mary (Pawlik) and Steve Carmon, Vincent and Pauline (Bobrowski) Sandusky.
Left to right:
Evy (Carmon) and Charles "Pork" Bothers with kids Roger and Ron.
Dale and Arna (Carmon) Localio with kids Lori, Tammy and Jamie.
Art and Millie (Sandusky) Carmon with kids Dave, Ed, Janet (with Frank Puia and Jeoffrey), Gary, Dan.
Bill and Dot (Sandusky) Gall with kids Donna, Linda, Billy, Dianne, Kathy.
Ray Sandusky
Tom Sandusky with kids Michelle and Christian.

Click the picture for the extra large view >

reference: Artwork055FamilyTree3
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