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who: How many people can we identify?...
where: Manville Movie theater, S Main St. and Rosalie St.

Mazur's first store was next door, before moving to Camplain Rd and Main St. His son talked him into building the movie theater.

Click >> here << to see where these people are (I have some more numbering to do!):

2: Barbara Foma
4: Charolette Golcheski
7: Tiny (nickname) Danysh
11: Jimmy Kelman
12: Eloise Kachorski
17: Almos Smith (maybe)
22: Vince Petrone
23: John Amentler
24: Bill Weidlich
25: Ken Weidlich
48: Chet Rosacha
50: Dave Batcho
52: Jean (Repka) Tomko
53: Barbara Tyburski (she was the 1954 Miss Manville Silver Jubilee and posed with the USS Manville crew)
54: Ronnie St. John
62: Rosie Sebeny
78: Carol Hricz
79: Art Carmon (maybe?)
137: Adam Pavol

I wonder why Mom wasn't there with her crew (52, 53, 54). Maybe she's hiding (#131) behind the first girl standing at the right?

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reference: NealRanauro001Movies
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