To all Carmons, Sandusky's, Kormany's, Zajaczkowsi's, Pawliks, Bobrowski's, (and beyond!):

It is my hope that word will get around about this web site and the pictures I have posted here. I'm sure other relatives (including those of you I don't know about) may have information and stories to tell about these pictures, and I would like to attach as many stories as possible to them.

I have many more pictures to add, so stay tuned - this web site will be continuously updated!

I have always wanted to know more about my history and the people that came before me, who made me who I am today. Mom was beginning to put a genealogy effort together, but she was taken too soon from us in 2008 and was not able see that through. Starting with her photo albums, I hope to continue that effort, but I will need a lot of help from all my relatives out there who may have information to contribute!

It's a shame to see all those old photographs with little or nothing written on the back, particularly those photos in which the people are no longer with us to tell us anything about it.

I didn't know what to expect as I began this project, but now I see that I have a good bit of work to do. However, I have found this very fulfilling, as I see and learn more about my relatives and about their earlier years.

As I have indicated on the Main Page, please feel free to email any info, suggestions, etc to me or call me at 856/469-5063.

This is an ongoing, long-term work in progress! Feel free to pass this web site along to anyone that may be interested in contributing info on the pictures, or maybe even contribute some of their own photos.


Back to Main Page PS: Aside from individual photo details, here is a list of personal tidbits that may be of interest to include, but is definitely not limited to...
places/dates where the person lived
birth date/place
what the person did for a living
schools attended
known nationalities
anything else?